Digital Marketing Plan

Key digital marketing strategies and implementation tactics

While the old saying ‘the best laid plans are paved with good intentions’ is still true, those intentions have to be acted upon in order to achieve limitless success. Without action the only guarantee is stagnation. This action takes precision strategy and planning. With that in mind, the first step for a digital marketing strategy is to analyze what your business is currently doing before we can understand what it may need to take it to the next level.

Initial Consultation

At Bearhug Digital, we’ll sit down, analyze and dissect your business’s presence piece by piece and look at areas of both strength and weakness. These areas could include your existing digital strategies, who your target audience is, the products and services you offer, social media presence and more. This dissection will not only help to spotlight what sets your business apart from the competition, but aid in identifying where the most growth is needed, and where older strategies can be replaced by newer more high-tech offerings to help bring your business into the current digital age.

We will develop a tailored plan that encompasses every one of your business goals and we’ll leave no stone unturned.

Existing Tools and Content Analysis

Analyzing your current digital presence is an integral part of our strategy. Before we begin looking at your audience or current demographics, we must look at the tools you already have in place. This includes everything from your current website and content, social media presence, referral sites, to email strategies and CRM systems so that we have a firm understanding of what is currently generating leads and conversions.

Getting to Know Your Audience

Once we have a better understanding of your existing digital presence, the next step is to get to know your audience and demographics. This process enables our team of experts to uniquely tailor your marketing strategies with laser focus. But don’t be mistaken, Digital Marketing isn’t just about targeting your existing demographic, it’s about expanding and widening the target audience. Knowing everything we can about your existing customer base helps us to understand how to improve, run tests and build upon the success to generate even more leads.

Diversification That Makes Sense

If you’re unsure of what we mean, a good example is Walmart. When Walmart initially appeared on the scene, they were mainly a department store offering dry goods such as household items, children’s toys, sporting goods etc. In order to appeal to a wider and more diverse demographic, Walmart decided to first begin offering non-perishable grocery items. This greatly increased the target ‘audience’ or demographic to include customers who had previously purchased these types of items from a retail competitor.

Today, Walmart not only offers all of the same things they began with, but now offer a full ‘super centre’ shopping experience that includes fresh foods like meat, dairy and other produce. The result? Many customers now do all of their shopping at Walmart and no longer have a need to patronize the competition. This is a true one-stop-shop experience, and that’s what customers want in today’s busy world.

This practice can be applied to any business: Build, test, iterate, collect data, offer diversified products and services, collect more data and then eliminate what doesn’t work and double-down on what does. Businesses who understand this get to watch their revenue streams grow and multiply.

The Build

Once we have a strong understanding of every aspect of your business, the next step is to begin to build out a tailored plan of attack. During the building phase, our team can develop site content that will not only appeal to your existing customer base but increase lead generation through the use of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Content is the key to higher site traffic. It can range from services offered, product descriptions, and pricing, to regular blog posts about all things related to your business. This content will engage site visitors by providing useful information about what your company offers, and will increase web traffic, sales leads, and conversions. Content can be both static (certain pieces of content will remain on the site at all times) to dynamic (different content, such as scheduled blog posts or company updates).

During the build phase, if you don’t already have a social media presence, we will setup all of your social media profiles and create content across all the major networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

The final step in the build phase is to utilize paid digital services such as PPC (pay per click) and retargeting to amplify the results. This is where you will start to see the digital eco-system build momentum and evolve very quickly.

The Launch

Once the ground work has been laid (or paved as it were), the final phase is to launch your digital marketing strategy. This phase may be a ‘silent’ rollout, meaning at the surface level, customers and traffic may not even know that anything has changed, or it could be the kind of launch that visitors will be able to see immediately. Either way, Bearhug Digital will be with you every step of the way, and soon you will begin to see the entire digital marketing strategy in action. And as your business grows, we will be there to monitor and support you along the way.

Bearhug Digital is committed to the success of your business, and we’ll be there to provide support and insight as your company grows. We’ll continue to look for new ways to improve your business from a digital perspective and provide ongoing testing and monitoring to ensure that everything is running at optimum levels.

Contact us today to see how Bearhug Digital can design the perfect digital marketing strategy for your business!